Research Initiatives, Bangladesh (RIB) was established in 2002 with financial support from the Royal Dutch Government under its MMRP program. Its main objective is to support research aimed at identifying strategies and programs that could ensure sustainable, progressive alleviation of poverty in Bangladesh. Despite the efforts of successive Governments and many Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) working over the years on poverty mitigation in the country, there are still serious and unresolved issues concerning the self-sustaining potential of these efforts. Lack of peoples’ participation in problem identification and program design, imposition of donor goals and priorities, predetermined resource modalities, lack of local resource mobilization and ownership, and continuing donor funds and expertise dependency often lead to the withering away of these projects soon after the departure of external partners or their resources.
Discussions with the Human Rights Activist Meghna Guhathakurta
"This Thursday, September 21, 2023, we cordially invite you to an evening of conversation with human rights activist Meghna Guhathakurta in the open spaces #Karlsruhe.
Meghna Guhathakurta is a leading human rights activist from Bangladesh and heads the NET partner organization Research Initiatives Bangladesh-RIB which stands for empowerment approach through “Action Research” and utilizing the right to freedom of information.Further information can be found in our events or at: -
Webinar on Agriculture and Climate Crisis
Research Initiatives, Bangladesh organized a webinar on Agriculture and Climate Crisis on 20th December 2020. The resource persons of the discussion panel are as follows:
Md. Shamsuddoha, CPRD,
Md Tanjir Hossain, Action Aid,
Md Golam Rabbani, BRAC,
Yousof Molla, farmer, Tanore, Rajshahi,
Meghna Guhathakurta, RIB,
Mahbuba Nasreen, University of Dhaka,
Monirul Islam Khan, University of Dhaka,
Dr. Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed, PKSF,
Vinod Koshti, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung,
Suraiya Begum, RIB.To watch the play " Webinar on Agriculture and Climate Crisis" please click the below-
To watch the play " Webinar on Agriculture and Climate Crisis" please click the below -
Building capacities of local communities to mitigate problems created by the Rohingya influx in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh
‘Building capacities of local communities to mitigate problems created by the Rohingya influx in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh’ is a project undertaken by Research Initiatives Bangladesh (RIB) and supported by the Misereor, Germany. The main objectives of the project is to build up capacity of the host communities to face the problems due to Rohingya influx in the locality and to search an agreeable and logical way to repatriate the Rohingyas to their own country followed by the policies of the Government of Bangladesh. The one-year project activities are divided into two periods: 1. May 2019- October 2019 (1st six months) and 2. November 2019- April- 2020. The activities are divided according to the phases. The activities of the project at field level were launched in June, 2019.
- The main tools applied at the community level are: Participatory Action Research (PAR) and Right TO Information (RTI) for the host community
- Participatory Action Research (PAR) for the Rohingya community
Puspo Murmu is keen to preserve the environmental bio-diversity
Puspo Murmu is a 56 years old indigenous Santal woman who has done some terrific work for preserving the environment.
Puspo Murmu’s husband name is Abraham Dulu Shaha Tudu who is living at Saltola indigenous village under Birol sub-district of Dinajpur District.
During the liberation war, they went to India as refugee. After independence of Bangladesh, she returned and started living at Saltola village with her family in a piece of 15 decimal land. The area was desert-like at that time, there were no trees, no greenery. She was determined to make the area green.
Naoya Sakam group has planted trees collectively
The Naoya Sakam Gonogobeshona group Adarpara, Godagari of Rajshahi has taken initiatives collectively for planting
trees for preserving the environmental balance. Adarpara is a Santal village where 103 Santal families have lived for a long time. They were living a peaceful life. It was a very good village, people were living together in unity, the nature was serene. But nowadays it has changed dramatically. The ecological balance has been destroyed.
Capacity-building of young researchers and animators in participatory action research has been one of RIB’s central activities. RIB offers regular introductory, on-the-site workshops on Participatory Action Research (PAR) for students and community workers. It also has provisions for conducting three months experimental PAR projects with marginalized communities for those who wish to practice PAR. Once some experience is gained as animator, then long term involvement in PAR activities through research programs may be feasible.